Wednesday 15 May 2013


So I have decided to name my lizard...... *drum roll* ................LUNA!
Seriously guys, we need to talk about this. Some of you DM'd me instead on twitter because they said they love my blog but don't want to comment. I still added your votes on though. As I'm nice. *laughs*

So it was the 14th yesterday and the day was pretty boring so we decided to go out after school to spice it up. So when me & Kay got ready we went to get Sum. And she wasnt ready. So we had to wait outside where her brother and his mates were. One asked
"Do you ride it?" pointing to the skateboard in Kay's hand
"No, I sit on it!" in a sarcastic voice. *he walked away with his stupid question* LOL

So we were walking through the park to get to this other park through a gap in the fence. Kay was ahead. So me & Sum walked passed these guys in the basketball courts playing football. (stupid, I know) Then one shouts:
"Gingeee, do a kick-flip!" (picture) I just stare at him confused. I'm not ginger! I'm muddy blonde. My hair has only got a pinch blonder whilst at Turkey. Then Sum shouted something back and we walked away.

Finally getting at the skate park, Kay's bracelet breaks so we end up sitting on our boards (sums on a pipe) till she fixes it. Then we don't end up even skating around. We don't want to pass all the BMX faggots so we decide to go the other way. But its locked. Sum doesn't want to climb over. So I go first and I'm litterally on the top of this high gate with all the lads looking at me anyway when Sum notices this big hole in the fence. So her and Kay walk through and I just jump on the other side because I'm a rebel. (joke)

So we climb this hill to this rock you can sit on and you can see the whole of the skate park. Then Sum notices this guy on a skateboard in OUR place. So we go down to make friends with him because he seems alone (aren't we nice?) When we get there Kay puts her hood up and looks down. Me & Sum talk really loudly saying stupid shit because he's got his headphones in. (Or so we think) So I'M the one who ends up going over to him. And I'm like
"So what board do you have?" - me
"A ronda, I think *laughs*" - him with a deep deep voice which I wasn't expecting
*then I run off over to Kay and Sum* and he leaves.

Kay wants to go to Sainsburry's to get a drink. So I decide to play the trolley game 

Now this is copyrighted to me as its me and my friends game, THE GAME we do. Don't want it to come a internet sensation topic of conversation. LoL JK. So how you play is:

  1.  You get your skateboard and you find a gap in the trolleys.
  2. You then slide a long to the bit where you get a trolley
  3. Wait patiently
  4. Till someone comes to get a trolley
  5. Say in a really creepy voice "wanna trolley?" 
  6. Then pop up and scare them
Then I lay on the trolley so people couldn't get them. So did Kay. Sum just stood watching. Then I saw the security guard looking at us with his phone walking towards us so we quickly ran inside to get the drink. Then Kay was distracted with the new coke bottle 'share with *name*' so she was matching them up. Like her and her sister. Tika and Phil. Dan and Phil. Names like that.
We decide to go back to the park were them lads that shouted at me where so. We started walking over the road and I saw a police car and I nudged Sum and pointed to it. Now Kay freaks out a police. And we were in that thing in the middle of the road so she was going to freak out. So she bent down to get something off the floor.
"Stay down KAY!" Sum warned
"WHAAA---" She was cut off because I kind of pushed her head down to the ground because she was going to look up. But then she nearly fell on the road. SORRY IT WAS MY BAD QUICK THINKING, KAY!
At least she didnt see them!
So we were walking past the empty basketball courts to the climbing frame (I know, how old are we?) Then I saw this girl climbing a tree. But you know safety first.
"GET DOWN FROM THAT TREE!" In my shouty adult voice
She flew down from the tree it was HILARIOUS!!!

So we chilled on the climbing frame until I found a dummy (other names for it pacifier, tuggie, sucky, diddle iddle, binky, plug, soother, Do-Do the picture?) that had been used and I chased Sum all around the park with it. Then out the park and down the street and down another street. I then gave it to Kay and we tried to corner her but it didn't work! 



1 comment:

  1. I still can't believe you pushed me over, you tit hahaha xD I hit my head and i hurt my foot. Noob xD
