Wednesday 12 June 2013

Bon Jovi

So I had an exam yesterday, Maths. I was right at the front with the whole row behind me to myself. I had alphabetical order! I wish I still had my old name then I would be mixed in the middle. I know in every inch of my life I will not get a C I will get a D if I'm lucky. Its not that it was hard its just something can seem real easy then my teacher will pop up in my head and I'll freak out.

Also when your at the front the teachers eyes bore into you I felt like hiding my test. Because they must be thinking 'you idiot that's wrong' laughing silently in their heads. I think there should be a rule for that. My dad thinks I'm revising but I procrastinate especially for the next maths test on Friday because I can't revise tomorrow because I'm going to Bon Jovi with my dad.

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