Sunday 14 June 2015

I haven't straightened my hair.

I feel like this blog needs a makeover as I haven't been around in ages! It seems to have a steady viewer page though. So you maybe thinking.. wow I've got to that part of the internet. But now I have finished my first year at sixth form I think its time for this blog has some attention. On other note.. I am absolutely in love with these birds!
They are sunbird conure and they are just so cute. Where was I? Oh yes so I main to up keep this blog once a week, but don't hold me to that at the start. My side blog may be less frequent. I do have a life. I think.

I went outside yesterday! With friends.. I bet you thought I didn't have any well now I have evidence. Here I am wearing my favourite which is a tight high neck stripe dress from New Look. 
^^^^ link if you want a better look.
It looks like I haven't slept in weeks but its this really nice sparkly eyeshadow from New Look.
This is not a beauty blog. 
You know how I feel about them¬
Also if you have time can you please like my dads page on Facebook link below! 
and in return I will look at your blogs. 

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