Monday 2 November 2015

Tis Been A While

Someone collect up the tumble-weed I'm back!
So I have an amazing blog post planned for Sunday! 
But you will have to wait! 
What you missed whilst I was gone? The usual, from the person who brought you hiding in trolleys and scaring people. 
That's quite a name for myself.  

             So I'm going to tell you a quick story. Of what happened to me.
So it was my friend Sum's 18th woooo! And she was having a party. I decided to wear my old prom dress and heels. Oh wait I've totally forgot I wasn't supposed to tell you it was me. Wupz. Too late now even though I could easily backspace this and you would never know. Spooky. Anyway's were was I? Oh yeah, so all my old school friends were there so it was kind of a reunion SESH1. They play some Blink182 epic. But because its mainly family me and my friend Amy (I'm her wingwoman) decide to get the others to play hide and seek in a graveyard. Yes. At night. Yes. At a party. It was just outside because it was in a Catholic Club. So we all just ran off in the darkness. And who sinks nearly six-foot-under in heels? Me. And I nearly step on someone's flowers. Believe it I'm a total rebel. I even go to the extremes of lying on the floor (in my dress of course) behind a gravestone. Forgetting I was near the main road and an old woman screamed. If your reading this now I apologise, But you just had to be there. Picture from the night: 

Sunday 14 June 2015

I haven't straightened my hair.

I feel like this blog needs a makeover as I haven't been around in ages! It seems to have a steady viewer page though. So you maybe thinking.. wow I've got to that part of the internet. But now I have finished my first year at sixth form I think its time for this blog has some attention. On other note.. I am absolutely in love with these birds!
They are sunbird conure and they are just so cute. Where was I? Oh yes so I main to up keep this blog once a week, but don't hold me to that at the start. My side blog may be less frequent. I do have a life. I think.

I went outside yesterday! With friends.. I bet you thought I didn't have any well now I have evidence. Here I am wearing my favourite which is a tight high neck stripe dress from New Look. 
^^^^ link if you want a better look.
It looks like I haven't slept in weeks but its this really nice sparkly eyeshadow from New Look.
This is not a beauty blog. 
You know how I feel about them¬
Also if you have time can you please like my dads page on Facebook link below! 
and in return I will look at your blogs. 

Wednesday 16 April 2014

I'm still standing.

This blog can just survive on its own I haven't even been on in...
to much maths to work out... forever?
Its getting a lot of views and I think its just that everyone is shocked by my last post. 
Mainly because no one says anything about the precious beauty bloggers being airheads.
And I agree that not ALL of them are. So if you want to argue your point see my last blog. 
This blog has survived on its own so should I just leave?

Friday 24 January 2014

Beauty Bloggers.

Beauty guru's can make a blog on a night not post anything until the morning and earn about 40 followers. I was recently just looking at some good sites and I noticed half the girls my age do nothing like my blog or my side blog in fact. Its all about hair, beauty and their perfect lives. And if I do happen to come a long to an account that hasn't followed the heard of sheep. Then I comment saying how good they are. And no I am not going to change the way I use Blogger, to look like a pathetic follower.
Its just people like me work really hard on their blog's and hardly get a comment of someone. But that's ok because I can see a lot of people have read it, even if its not even in their language. But I think personally beauty blogging is the easy way out. I have been doing this for a lot of years and have seen no change in followers. Beside's beauty blogging tests your camera not your real talent to communicate through writing. They just put a picture of some lipstick with a caption:
"i lik'd it..... buy it"
Yes love, because that is really informative to your readers?! Then they get about 400 comments of praise?
I'm not saying I hate ALL beauty bloggers, because that's mean. Just the one's that are so up themselves and can't even write one sentence without using text language. There role models are Zoella and Sprinkle Of Glitter.

Now don't get me wrong I love Zoe and Louise, I have there blogs in my sidebar on my second channel. The things that annoy me are the fan's who think they are you-tubers? I'm going to stop typing now before I go and turn into Incredible Hulk and write so much more.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Review: It'sGrace

I'm reviewing the reviewer! So you would expect my favourite YouTuber would be Dan or Phil. But she just is just my favourite person ever. Some people say I act like her on purpose but I honestly don't I just watch her too much. 
"Gooooooseee." I just think its funny when she shouts her dog.
If you want to read more about the change click on the link below.

So go subscribe. I'm glad my first review is Grace Helbig, its special.  
(I know this review of her moving channels is late, I wrote it ages ago)

Monday 13 January 2014


Regret is a powerful thing. We are supposed to make life decisions at such a young age and can end up regretting it for the rest of your life. I'm only young but I regret doing stuff already.

For example:

You walk into the exam boasting you've done no revision and then regret when you read the first question.
You've said something bad to someone and seen their reaction is horrible and you want to stuff the words back in your mouth and never speak again?

You never think about regret before you do. How many people have wanted to go back in time and change what they did/said? But they can't, and you end up worrying, so that you can't sleep. You then go into denial and try and pass the blame on someone else.

The Cure?
Specialist's say you should just let go, and stomp on your problems. This is because you have finally realised there's nothing you can do about it. So stop living in the past.

Next blog: Wed 15th Jan 2014

Life moves pretty fast...If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Rally Cars & Pizza

I didn't post yesterday even though I said this channel would be posted every two days. Mainly because we got in really late so all I did was relaxed in front of the TV. This was because my dad had arranged for me to go in a late night rally drive for one of my Christmas presents. And it was this Saturday. Ours was the last time section at 6:00pm, but because they were running late I didn't get into the car till about 7:30. It was really good. The driver was called Wayne and he drove REALLY fast.
track layouts (The picture is the track)
You thought he was going to hit the barriers but at the last second he would swerve and it was awesome. Unfortunately on the first lap he back-end of the rally car hit a cone. So he drove into the pits to get it sorted out. My dad thought I'd chickened out and had made him stop the car. I HADN'T. But all that was wrong was that the exhaust pipe tip (see pic) had fell of and the guys soon sorted it out. 
Meaning I got extra laps! Then we drove back we stopped at our pizza shop at around 9:45pm and got a 16inch Margarita which was lovely!

This is the place where I went if you want to check it out: