Saturday 4 August 2012


                                                                           Hey Guys,
Had a BBQ it was really fun we got the swimming pool out and everything. I though sat on this really comfy chair and said I was "the lifeguard" but kept falling asleep. So I put some sunglasses on so no one would know. I think they did though. We had amazing food! Then we watched indoor fireworks because of it raining. A little thunder too. Then when it stopped we had cake. I practised shooting. I went to pick the pellets up and they shot at my arse but missed and hit my leg. I flew on the floor acting in pain. This turned into a game for them but they didn't hurt that much just like a nip because I was quite far away

Friday 3 August 2012


Hey Guys,
I went surfing today! Not really I went to the park. It was really funny we had a laugh. Then went to McDonald's. Shall I complain a bit? I was sick off everyone going on and on about the Olympics. But now I'm watching them! Not exciting sorry its short I'm just not doing much.

Thursday 2 August 2012


                                                      Hey Guys,
Stayed in today cleaned the inside and outside of the car. Which turned into a water fight. We went in and watched ice age, ice age 2 and ice age 3.
PS: Sorry I am so lazy I don't do much.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Hey Guys,
Apparently my mechanic eats pigeon and birds now the burger van doesn't come any more! I think he's kidding though. On other news Kay and Ana both have had their noses pierced on the same day! No jokes. I wish I was allowed to have a cartilage piercing!! Anyway all night we watched Olympic beach volleyball.

Tuesday 31 July 2012


Hey Guys,
Went to Stanhope stepping stones with Jimmy (my cousin), Dad and Loria (Jimmy's mam)

 It was a really long car ride!

 We had been there for about 10 minuets and Jimmy (7 years old) had already fell in.

We went over a lot.

They have closed it so cars cant go across, because emergency services were getting sick.

So we went that way across wearing wellies. Water got in and it was freezing.

We were looking for fish in the water. Jimmy threw some water at me. So he just accidentally fell in.

 But that what he gets! We had a picnic in the park. Then we drove to Hill-End which is full with loads of hills to climb. Also many sheep.

Me & Jim climbed this really tall hill when we got to the path at the top there was this rabbit lying there. We thought it was dead but then I saw it was breathing.  But it was lying there not running away, it looked in pain. Jim was stroking it shouting to Loria to come up and help it, but she couldn't climb up. There was no blood on it. In the end we had to leave it and when we said bye, it blinked.

Then we went to the river on the other side and Jim was in the middle of the water by himself. Then he was trying to splash the other side and his shoe came of and floated down the river (on the wrong side to us!) we had to run to get it. Jim made a dive to get it and yet again fell in.

 I got it though by jumping on a rock onto the other side and catching it further down.


Monday 30 July 2012


Hey Guys,
Nothing good happened to me today.

I went to the town.

 I came back on the bus and hit my head of the bar in front.

Don't know why that's just how I act in front of people!

Sunday 29 July 2012


Hey Guys,
Went to another fair today.

 We got there about dinner time and had hot dogs in the rain.

My second cousins were there too

Jimmy didn't go on any rides. 

Rylie went on loads though and so did I.

 Jimmy was even scared of the birds of prey!

 I held one called Big Al and he was from Australia and was 9 years old This was him!

He was so cute he didn't even peck me!