Thursday 25 October 2012

25/10/12 & 26/10/12


Last day of term... YEY. I was really pissed off today at dinner. We'd eaten and we were outside as usual. Then Kay calls me "Danny's lass' and I'm getting pure pissed off with everyone saying that,
1. Because he's my mate.
2. Because I've known him since I was 3-4
3. This is why I don't find him attractive
4. He's going out with Sydney.
5. UGH.
Then Soe said something about Josh and I was away from them. Soe was apologising in English but for fact I couldn't give a shit.


So its Tika's not birthday town thingy mingy today. It was pretty crap. Sorry, but we didn't do anything crazy and I just bought a shit load of stuff I didn't need on my debit card. And ate like a pig. She also said to meet up at 11:00 at this big store. So I had to tell my other friends to leave. But she didn't turn up until 11:45!