Wednesday 12 December 2012

7/12/12 & 8/12/12 & 9/12/12

So on Friday we have the worst lessons ever. I have mentioned this before and I don't think you'd want me rambling on about it again but if your a new viewer. Then hi.

We stole a Christmas tree from Hamstley forest. Not really. But we did go to this forest and got a tree. It didn't fit in the boot so it had to hang over the backseat. Were my head was. My dad and auntie started scaring me saying there was spiders in and squirrels. I had loads of needles in my hair at the end. Then we went to this local little pub and I got these massive fish fingers. I know what your thinking. Stop. Food. Then we got home and I had to go in the loft to get the decerationsand whilst I was climbing the laders my dad was tickling my legs saying it was the spiders and snakes. Then we had to go to Morrisions because we hadnt got lights I got some turtle bread and some golden nuggetts cereal. Then we put the tree up and it nearly fell down.
 Its too tall and apple Ipod made it blurry!

My cousin came over (age 7). We went to the park and then took him to see Santa and I got a little tree for my bedroom.
(This is my christmas tree for my mams house. I cba to take a picture of mine at my dads its all the way upstairs!)