Friday 10 January 2014

Blog Updating Days.

Fellow People of the earth, 
I have decided when I am going to be updating my blog. 
On this channel I will be updating every other day.
And on my side blog if you haven't guessed from the title below: daily.
Sometimes I like to think I'm Karl Pilkington from The Moaning Of Life

Thursday 9 January 2014


It was my forms turn to hold our year groups presentation. When we first heard about this my formie decided to pick the morning of the English exam, so that she could just pretend she forgot (even though she's an English teacher) and look really disappointed. But someone blabbed to their friends next to our head of year, basically because they can't keep their mouths shut. So we had to do it this week on the theme Epiphanies.

 Mostly the whole year doesn't listen and just whispers the whole way through because its not important. But it was different this time, it looked like they actually listened. I was sixth to speak, bearing in mind I was reading it out for the first time because we'd only had five minuets notice because our power-point wasn't working so this was plan B which my form teacher had been writing all last night.

I had to read two whole paragraphs to my whole year. Its kind of nerve racking because if you mess up or say a word wrong prepare to get teased the rest of your time at that school. I stumbled on a few words and didn't even take in what I was saying so I don't know how my audience did.

When we'd finished my head of year said I was a good reader. Also other people said that I was the only one who spoke loud enough for them to hear and was clear to understand. All except my friends, you think as they were in the audience they should be supporting me. But no they sat the furthest away in the corner, whispering to each other and having Polo eating challenge's.

Thanks for the support, guys. Not. But I don't care much any-ways, the presentation was a speaking one and lots of people are absent minded when you talk for a while. I'm not saying THEY are absent minded because they are nearly ALL clever than me. I'm saying any person in the entire world wouldn't want to hear that presentation twice. So I'm going to stop typing now or you will end up with a long blog. And you can have a cyber polo from the above picture for reading this far. It was a long blog.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Gan' Wild

I know what your thinking. Wow she doesn't post since like forever and now she's posted twice in one week. I know, I pretty stunned about that too.
Today's subject is SLANG. 
Now I live in a place called Sunderland in the north east of England. And I moved from Hartlepool which I have lived up until I was about 10, and still go down there to see family on weekends. When I first came to Sunderland I didn't understand many people because even though Sunderland to Hartlepool is about a 30 minuets drive I couldn't believe how much the accent and the slang was like. I was considered posh, now no jokes but if you see Hartlepool you wouldn't call it posh. So I've lived in Sunderland a while now and picked up some of the slang words (get the title? Even though I've never said the word gan' but it means go, which I learned weeks later.)
Words that confused me from Sunderland. 
Slang                             Meaning
Gan' -               Go (I thought it was a gun.)
Beaker -           Its not slang its just the way they said it sounded like Baker (confused me in science lessons)
Bairn -              Baby or a child. (sounds like barn)
Ket -                Junk food.
Giz a backa-     A lift on the back of a bike.(In Hpool we use "giz" though)
Scran -             I think its scraps of food, (or actual food I'm not sure to this day.)
Nogin-              Head or Brain (A teacher told me to use my noggin' so I hit my knee?)
Marra-              Friend. (personally thought it was someone's mam?)
Laquer-             Hairspray (wtf???)
Git-                   Like (my friends have laughed at me plenty for this one.
Carrd-              Cold. (someone said "git cold." and I didn't understand so I just laughed. I now know)
Dar-                  Dad
Hun-                 Its like a pet name for people example like Babe or Sweetie

It took me about 5 years to learn the Sunderland slang and I think I have a greater knowledge of it. Because I would just ask my friends or my dad would tell me. But I think I'm getting there.... Also now I've been living here I kinda picked up a tinge of the accent. Apparently according to lots of people both of my accents (Hartlepool & Sunderland) mixed together sounds like I'm from Durham. Luckily I'm going there for sixth form then! I hope this has made you laugh and informed you for next time you go to Sunderland. haha

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Its been a while.

I always start with hi guys, 

I've just noticed the last time I wrote a blog post was the six weeks. So I expected that my viewers would be tumble-weed. All gone. 

But looking at the rating's the blog has been quite high ratings. I think you would like to know I've set myself a new years resolution, to do a blog at least twice a month. 

And I know your probably thinking, I'm just lying... I probably am. No I am going to try this year. Its took me to the 7th of January to get sat in front of the computer typing. As its my last year in school now, I don't think this year could be more documented. Mainly because:
  • I write a journal, on my boring life everyday
  • Blog. (haha you call THIS blogging)
  • And have a dream journal.
Ive decided I am going to a sixth form in Durham. I think sixth form is better because your with people your own age, unlike college which there's older people and that. Argue in the comments if you think I'm wrong. 
Side-note: I've updated my last post because there was a lot of spelling mistakes (there still is).