Friday 30 November 2012

29th & 30th

Thursday. PE. Got a bad grade for my mock test I did last week. After PE me, Sum, Kita and Soe were walking upstairs. Then for no apparent reason the door fell on Sum and the metal handle hit her in the face. She acted like it hurt. It didn't though. It was funny.

Friday. So we have really boring lessons. But I had pringles and was calling everyone as single pringle. Cos' I'm like that. Kay also brought a bouncy ball in and we were throwing it of walls and the roof. Then we went to ICT and just messed about and Saz kept turning my computer off. grrr.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Its now the 27th!!

I missed a few days. But they were pretty crap, so. I have nothing else to say so lets get on with my exciting  boring life. The main highlight of them few days. It was a weekend. I lazed about. On Monday it was raining horribly and some fucker set the fire alarm of so we had to go outside in the pouring rain - with our PE kit on. It was actually funny. Cause' I was talking to Bag and Ana on the other line and lots of girls make-up was dripping down their face. LoL


My friend Sum tweeted
"School kitchen flooded, don't care. I just feel sorry for the chickens."
Someone replied
"ewwwwww, your school's kitchen is a chicken slaughter house??"
Other highlight is Saz head butted the wall for no apparent reason and got wrong of the head teacher.