Thursday 20 June 2013


Today was quite DECENT except everyone talking about Rihanna. As the SAL (stadium of light) is her last place for her tour, Diamonds. See, I've been brainwashed!
Also Saz got wrong from our head teacher for chasing Sum around with a spider. I was expecting her to get a detention or even community service. But when I step in English she's sitting there with a smug look on her face. She can talk herself out of anything! Didn't even go to isolation?! She walked out and no one was bothered. But I got community service in Y7 for not tying my shoes and a teacher stepped on them. She still tells me now to tie them! What's the point? They come loose anyway!

Anyway in Geography it was empty. I was the only girl and 6 boys. So the teacher made us sit on the same desk and read out of a book one line each. And there's this new kid and he just looks at our teacher:
"I can't read." Our teacher then goes bright red. Because he didn't know.
"Nah, I'm just kidin'" And we are all in stitches even the teacher!
"I was just about to say how did you get a C in the mock?" - Teacher feeling stupid.
And the guys beside me where drawing funny pics of our teacher. But then he comes up and takes them off them. He just looks and laughs. Bearing in mind he's one the strictest teachers in the school.

Monday 17 June 2013

Boarding School

I'm trying to get my dad to send me back. Not the same one of course. Its just I get bored of the same surroundings. I need excitement. "I think its time for me to leave," - (Shut up by Blink182) It just reminded me of this moment.  I don't know I change my mind a lot. I don't have anything more to say. Because who does on Mondays. You need good friends to lighten them up! Its Kay's birthday today check her out on!