Wednesday 20 March 2013

Chicken Nugget Failure

    The title was weird indeed, but that was just to capture your attention. Which I hope I have caught up, in a net. We had PE first today and I was put in a team away from my friends, but that didn't stop me playing! So racing through the day we got everyone on our table at dinner which I thought deserved a cheer so please wherever your reading this now please scream out:
You needed to do that. So after a boring maths test we got to leave. We walked to Kay's so she could get ready and grab her skateboard. (mines the white darkstar, hers is the yellow fish Tony Hawk and Sum's is my old alien in the middle) Then we got on the bus into town. Me and Sum still in our uniforms of course.

 So in town we wondered around looking for Warren James (the jewellery shop) but we couldn't find it. So we were walking to go outside and I spotted it, and I felt accomplished! So whilst Sum was getting her mam some earrings, Kay went to get her glasses sorted so I stayed with Sum and was saying really loudly:
"Would you like them gift wrapped?" -woman
"I think your GIRLFRIEND would like them gift wrapped." - me
*girl looks weirdly at Sum*
*mission accomplished*
Then Kay went off to skate with some mates and me and Sum went to get a McDonalds and the guy who served me took ages working the counter and ages getting me my food. I'd asked for a large chicken nugget meal but he brings me a chicken mayo sandwich. I tell him that's not what I said. I repeat myself. Then HE GOES AND POURS THE DRINK AWAY! And gives me a happy meal and a refund and no apology? I didnt ASK FOR A HAPPY MEAL either. But I took it and walked away.

After McDonalds we were making fun of the 'geek' t-shirts in Primark when I realise I left my bag in McDonalds. So we run back in the snow with McFlurrys and I start complaining for snow going in it then realise. What am I talking about its cold anyway! So I run upstairs McDonalds and there's only guys from my GSCE PE  class. So they all recognised me and I LOOKED like I was going to start rubbing their legs I felt under the table for my bag and ran out. Embarrassing! Then had to do more running for the bus. I wonder what they are going to say to me in our lesson tomorrow at school?

P.S Even worse. Whilst Sum was in the card shop Kay shouted one of them and hid.

Monday 18 March 2013

The girl who didn't keep her promise

The title sounds like a name for a book. But its not its just a sentence that sums up me. I have the memory span of a goldfish (which is two seconds) (the fish is biting its toe)

I am easily side tracked and originally I was going to write this three hours ago but then I noticed I had to check twitter first and I had a DM so I was like "NO! Now I'm going to be hooked." and I was converted into a twitter bird, and I'm currently typing with my beak.

So when I haven't updated you haven't missed much just a few exams and gastroenteritis (trust me, you glad you didn't catch that over the viruses on your computer) That was supposed to be a joke but it didn't go well. The infection is what the queen had. I felt very special adding in - that's what the queen had. For like a matter of fact way. You see me and the queen are best buddies and she couldn't keep the disease away from me. (haha lie) I wish I knew the queen- personally.

Anyway gastroenteritis caused me three days of school where I was throwing up and a whole weekend too. The doctor said I couldn't eat anything for 3 days. Luckily he didn't know my dad took me to KFC strait after the appointment.

Today we had to decide where we want to go for work experience. I really want to go to Pets at home. If none of my friends will go to the one in Sunderland with me. I'll just live with my mam down Hartlepool for a week and work at the Pets at Home there as its much bigger. Sum was joking on about how I won't be able to catch a fish when the customer wants one. Its okay. I'll just look after THEM instead not the smelly customers. You know go for a early morning swim in the fish tanks keep them company. I'd be fired the next hour probably.