Monday 2 November 2015

Tis Been A While

Someone collect up the tumble-weed I'm back!
So I have an amazing blog post planned for Sunday! 
But you will have to wait! 
What you missed whilst I was gone? The usual, from the person who brought you hiding in trolleys and scaring people. 
That's quite a name for myself.  

             So I'm going to tell you a quick story. Of what happened to me.
So it was my friend Sum's 18th woooo! And she was having a party. I decided to wear my old prom dress and heels. Oh wait I've totally forgot I wasn't supposed to tell you it was me. Wupz. Too late now even though I could easily backspace this and you would never know. Spooky. Anyway's were was I? Oh yeah, so all my old school friends were there so it was kind of a reunion SESH1. They play some Blink182 epic. But because its mainly family me and my friend Amy (I'm her wingwoman) decide to get the others to play hide and seek in a graveyard. Yes. At night. Yes. At a party. It was just outside because it was in a Catholic Club. So we all just ran off in the darkness. And who sinks nearly six-foot-under in heels? Me. And I nearly step on someone's flowers. Believe it I'm a total rebel. I even go to the extremes of lying on the floor (in my dress of course) behind a gravestone. Forgetting I was near the main road and an old woman screamed. If your reading this now I apologise, But you just had to be there. Picture from the night: