Friday 17 August 2012


You may not think it, but I get easily pissed off. Today I sat around the house doing nothing angry for some reason. I don't know why. I'm a teenager that's what's life's like. I think someone said something but I cant remember now. Anyway I just thought you'd like to know were not all down to earth there is some still normal pissed off people around. (if I can call myself normal) Were not all skinny over tanned models. Rant over for now. Louise (Oliver's mam) had to drop Oliver off at ours (this was 3pm when I woke up) because my brother (Robert) was late. Oliver likes playing with locks and windows. Don'xt know why I said that. Robert picked him up. I got a pizza and went and watched a movie. That was the only good parts of my day! You may wonder why I put this picture. I am wondering why I put this picture.

Thursday 16 August 2012


Hey Guys,
You know yesterday how I said my niece woke me up? Well today was my only nephew Oliver. I didn't mind though because he's so cute. He is a year next month. So I looked after him all day. He loves going on the slide! Then went to the skate park.

Wednesday 15 August 2012


Hey Guys,
Got up after a nice long sleep. (because you have to get up!) Well I say I got up but it was 11:30am so my mam sent my nieces to pull me out of bed because they wanted to see Brave the movie and I was lumbered with them.

It was alright a bit kiddish for me but they liked it. When we had to walk home from the cinema the middle oldest Millie took a strop for no apparent reason. She wouldnt walk so as you do I dragged her because if I didnt she would still be there. She weighs the same as me and she stood still I was straining to pull her. Why the oldest Elisha had to hold the second youngest Mia (the youngest wasn't there she was at nursery) They were just laughing at her and she was screaming. I dropped them off.

 Then Millie and Elisha's mam (my sister) came and invited Me and Mia to go to the beach with Rye (the dog) (girl). We went Micky, (sisters boyfriend) Sarah, (my oldest sister) Elisha, Millie, Mia, Alexis (she was the young one I mentioned earlier) Me, Jess (my sisters dog) and Rye (Jess and Rye are the same age) Well in the house they were fighting (been both girl and girl). Jess is a staffy and just wants to play.

But Rye's a jack russell and is smaller than Jess and just wants to fight. So we put them on a lead. Me holding Rye and Micky holding Jess. When we got to the beach we all ran in except Micky, Sarah, Alexis (she didnt feel well) and Rye (she was scared)

 It was funny because Millie was in deep and she shouted Jess (who loves the water) she went thundering in (Jess not Millie!) Then a wave went over her head and she wasn't bothered. 
Sarah dropped Me, Millie and Rye of at my mams. Then I went to the skate park.


Hey Guys,
Had go to the hire place and give Juke back I was really upset because its a real nice car. Then we drove to the orthodontist. I'm sick of that place. Then got dropped of at Hartlepool.
To find out my dog Sam has been give away because of the traffic and to much noise from kids in our house. So he's now in this farm with no kids very quite and a dog to play with. I'm upset he's gone but I know he'll like it there so much more. So I have to be happy for him. But my mam had given him away before I got there. But I would of wanted to say goodbye. Anyway I unpacked my bags. Then caught up with my mates and went to the town. I saw my sister in the poundshop.
 Then went to the skate park.
4 down 2 to go! 


Hey Guys,

Going back to Sunderland today. Breakfast wasnt that nice because the milk was red milk. Bugh. I''m fussy like that. But today I had hash browns, toast, fried egg and a sausage because I am climbing Helvellyn which is the 3rd highest mountain in the lakes.
 Its 3116ft. It wore me out so much I fell asleep on the ride home.
 And I never do that. Then we got home and Clea left to go to her home in Redcar so we had a Chinese. Mmmmm.
3 down 3 to go.   


Hey Guys,

We got up early for breakfast because it was at half 8. The breakfast was amazing. I had a hash brown and continental breakfast. Then we walked to the bus stop and got a open top bus around Ambleside. Then we got onto this other bus which took us some far away place.
 Clea as usual decided to look in all of the shops. She mainly goes in charity shops because she works in one as she loves giving back to people who need. She decided to go to the spa across the road to our hotel tommorow but she and my gran hadnt got a swimming costume. So she went in this shop called “Cinderella Me” (how naffs that?) which she spent in for ever. 
Me and my dad stood outside of the shop. Our destination was to get to the pier but that was a 20 minuet walk and lots of shops on the way. So we saw a bus stop and got it down to the pier. When she had finally finished. I got a hot dog and my dad got fish and chips. They wernt very nice. So Clea said she was going into the shops and restraunts searching for better food. So me, dad and grandad hired out a motorboat for an hour why she was at the shops. It was really fun because my dad let me drive except when I nearly drove into that sail boat. 
Then on the night we went to this water show. Its french. But theres no speaking. They put this show on water. Like cars and trees on the water. It was weird. We left early. 
2 down 4 to go.


Hey Guys,
I was supposed to make a nicer post than just RIGHTO for my 40th post but I had just noticed when I had published it so sorry!

Woke up really early for the Lakes. We had to go in our car to pick the rental car up. And guess what we got? A Nissan Juke (red) it was so cool because it was touch screen just to put air con on or change the radio.
 The best part was when it said what song was coming up next so you knew to change radio stations or not. Anyway enough about the car. For now. We went to my Gran and Grandads house to pick them up too in the car. So Clea got in to the front seat and I had to sit in the back with them which was really squashy. We were in the car for so long too and there was nothing to do.
 And I wasn't going to count the sheep! Too many. We stopped of at Tan Hill. Which is the highest pub in England. Its on this really big mountain ages away from a house.
 It was a nice day so we sat outside. While we waited for our food we looked at the animals. There were these little ducklings and they were so small and cute I think there was 5 of them. There was loads of sheep as usual. We also saw a 2 little baby chickens with their mam. Well we had some bread in the car so we decided to feed the ducklings. Then the sheep came running over and chased me down the street for bread. I'll tell you that's scary. 
When we got back to Tan Hill the meal was there I had a giant yorkshire pudding. Mmm. We drove a bit further and stopped at Ambleside and parked in front of our B&B named Thornhill it was 4 and a half stars which was so good I think it deserved the extra half a point (so then the rating would be 5) We were shown to our rooms and we unpacked. Well they did. I threw my suitcase on the floor and watched TV
. Because I was going to just live out of my suitcase instead of unpacking and packing again. Its just easier. Clea wanted to look around the shops and bought a few things. After a long time of boring shopping my dad took us on a walk to the river at Ambleside. Dont ask me the name. We put our feet in the water which wasn't that cold. We went back to the B&B to get changed to go to the posh restraunt. It was called “The Preist Hole” doesnt sound very nice.
 But the food was to die for. I had chicken my dad had lamb and Clea had a trio of salmon. Because she's posh like that. After dinner we went to this pub round the corner I think it was called “The Half Moon” but I'm not sure. It was packed out. Clea rang her friend Lez who was staying in a campsite not far away. To come and have a drink. Which turned into a lot of drinks.
 Finally we got a table outside because there was so many people there. We sat outside but it was a nice night and it got really dark. Thats how we couldnt find our way home!!!  
1 down 5 to go 

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Hey Guys,
Because I havent blogged in ages I'm writting them all now. It will take me a long time. So bare with me. I have to catch up on 5 days!! I'm making my deadline this time tomorrow. So if there not ALL up by then. I will post the ones I've already done. So 11:30 tommorow then? How the hell am I going to do that? I'll try and make them long.