Wednesday 15 August 2012


Hey Guys,
Got up after a nice long sleep. (because you have to get up!) Well I say I got up but it was 11:30am so my mam sent my nieces to pull me out of bed because they wanted to see Brave the movie and I was lumbered with them.

It was alright a bit kiddish for me but they liked it. When we had to walk home from the cinema the middle oldest Millie took a strop for no apparent reason. She wouldnt walk so as you do I dragged her because if I didnt she would still be there. She weighs the same as me and she stood still I was straining to pull her. Why the oldest Elisha had to hold the second youngest Mia (the youngest wasn't there she was at nursery) They were just laughing at her and she was screaming. I dropped them off.

 Then Millie and Elisha's mam (my sister) came and invited Me and Mia to go to the beach with Rye (the dog) (girl). We went Micky, (sisters boyfriend) Sarah, (my oldest sister) Elisha, Millie, Mia, Alexis (she was the young one I mentioned earlier) Me, Jess (my sisters dog) and Rye (Jess and Rye are the same age) Well in the house they were fighting (been both girl and girl). Jess is a staffy and just wants to play.

But Rye's a jack russell and is smaller than Jess and just wants to fight. So we put them on a lead. Me holding Rye and Micky holding Jess. When we got to the beach we all ran in except Micky, Sarah, Alexis (she didnt feel well) and Rye (she was scared)

 It was funny because Millie was in deep and she shouted Jess (who loves the water) she went thundering in (Jess not Millie!) Then a wave went over her head and she wasn't bothered. 
Sarah dropped Me, Millie and Rye of at my mams. Then I went to the skate park.

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