Saturday 17 November 2012



Options all today. With lots of GCSE PE homework. I don't know if I'm going to do that yet. Lorenzo put down my mood in business like. Darn You.


For children in need we were allowed to wear onesies for school. It was really cool it felt like sleep time! I wore a pikachu onesie (google it!!) I also brought some balloons in. In form and science everyone went crazy with them. In science most of the people signed it and wrote stuff. I'll upload pictures of what people wrote. In math we just talked and I drew a really weird picture of Pudsey. We also had ICT which I don't think I even turned my computer on. Wupz. I moved myself to as I said to Miss my computer wasn't working even though I hadn't even tried it.

Wednesday 14 November 2012


I know I haven't updated in ages!! So lucky for you three posts in one blog (short)


ugh. Only one good thing happened today. ahh I was so happy in RE. How is it one word of one person can light you up so much? On other news me and Sum were partners in PE and acted proper mad and immature with the hockey sticks can you guess? Our other partners dumb and dumber get embarrassed easy so we were acting like they were animals. Pointing the hockey stick at their faces screaming "BACK BEAST" They thought we were crazy. Oh well. 


Funny thing at break we came down to the stairwell and all the lads who usually play football were in our spot. Darn you! Half of them were fighting with each other. One of them landed on the 'wall that's always broken'  (mainly because one of us punches it) which had plaster all over. So it looked dead wrong. As it was all over their blazers  They also ended up fighting near me and they got me in a corner and one of them elbowed my cheek. OW


PE first I was partners with Sum. She always say's badmintons for old people and I reply 
"But if old people played badminton their arm would come off!" I don't know why I always say it but I was laugh at it. As in all PE lessons if were partners we will cheat we were playing under the net and I don't know how many times I fell on the floor

Sat & Sun


Do you know them people in shops and that and they try to give you leaflets and you dodge them? That's what I had to do today in Durham it was ok. Got some weird looks not every day you get a 14 year old trying to sell you driving lessons in the middle of a town centre with a stupid hat - why the hell did I were that?


Went Cliff Hopping it was really funny. I smashed my head of the wall then nearly fell down the cliff not a good thing. I didnt jump in the sea like most people at the end like most did.