Saturday 24 August 2013

Calm Down!

I know you've all been messaging me about having a side blog. A blog will be put up sometime soon to explain so please stop DMing me about it.

So its the six weeks.

Shouldn't that mean I have more free time to write blog's?

No, it means I have more time to watch Netflix and earn money.

Heroes is the best thing on Netflix. Which I will talk about later on down the end of the blog!

See some of my friends have summer jobs. Unfortunetly I coulnt keep this from my mam and I got one to. Great. I'm lovin' it. <<<<<< that was not the quote from McDonald's and before you say I'm not working at McDonald's. The closest I get to working at McDonald's is this....

I could write about all my wonderful weeks at my mothers but I won't. Mainly because I can't be arsed and secondly there's to much so I have started from last weekend. And then I'll skip some days. But maybe I'll talk about the fair in my side blog idk yet.

So on Saturday night I slept over at my big sister Sarah's house. Her and Mick where going to a wedding so me, Josh, Regan and Elisha watched some horrors and ate pizza whilst they were gone.SPOILER ALERT We watched in order:
Eden Lake- piece of crap they all die in the end.
Mutant something- it was really good but I've messaged everyone and no one could remember the name. Except there was a lot of sex scenes.
Hills of eyes 2 - its shit its full of mutants like that one but worse ^^
Walled in- I liked this one fucking good twist at the end!! I didn't want him to die :(

We started watching this other movie but the little girls got scared and went to bed upstairs because it was like paranormal activity. I didn't think it was that bad myself. This was about 4oclock in the morning. Then Sarah, Mick and Angie (my other sis) comes barging in and start playing darts in the kitchen and talking about how my brother Robert went crazy and wanted to punch everyone. Just normal junk in my family. But Angie went to sleep in the bunk beds with the girls. And Mick was going of it because Josh had smoked all his tabs. So we were pretending to be asleep in the living room when Mick comes in poking around on the couch trying to riffle one. He then gets in his van and goes to the shop. Bearing in mind he's drunk, still. Sarah comes in and says she knows I'm awake and asks me the time. Its 6oclock. So she sits with us and watches morning telly because she said she wont be able to sleep until he gets back. When he finally does at quarter past he smokes 3 and goes to bed.

Its quarter to 11 and the front door slams. Nobody in this house is up yet and as Mick forgot to lock it before he went to bed. Its Ang going back to my house to get ready. I tried to get back to sleep but Sarah comes down stairs and goes in the kitchen and starts making bacon. Jess the dog comes flying in (she's a staffy) and jumps on Josh waking him up. Then Jess runs upstairs to wake her 'dad' up. Regan and Elisha came down stairs with three covers sleepily and then they layed on the couch with us. Good job its like this...but bigger.
So it gets to about 1oclock and me, Elisha, Jess and Sarah are on this couch. And Regan and Josh where on the two piece. When Mick finally comes down and sits on our couch with their double cover sheet. So its like blanket city. But then Mick and Sarah start fighting over the remote like little kids (and they are nearly 30). I nearly got kicked in the face by Sarah but then we all finally agree on the genre.. Comedy and end up wasting a whole day recovering. And about 7oclock me, Josh, Regan and Elisha went out to get Chinese food. We ended walking miles because I told Josh there was a toenail in one of them so he wanted the one across town. So we walked over put our order in and Mick picked us up in his van.
I end up spending another night at Sarah's. Because Regan's sisters were still at my house They didn't go out this night. But we went out again after Chinese food. We just walked around the beach setting fire to stuff like old times. We got back around 9oclock and Sarah said she was going to bed to watch telly. Angie was at my house also sleeping in my bed because the kids were sleeping in hers. But Lexi (my niece) had turned up whilst we were out and started  knacking Josh. Quiet funny. So the girls watched TV till around 11oclock and then went up to Elisha's room to watch Ice Age. So we just watched normal TV. Lexi jumped on my belly and smacked me in the face (shes the devil child)
"Get up lazy!"- Lexi
"But its early o clock!" I moaned I don't know why I was arguing with a 4 year old?
"I slept in my mam and dads bed." -Lexi
"I thought you were a big girl?" Me
*slapped me on the head* "Shurrup!"
She then jumped of me and started slapping her big brother in the face. Glad its not me. I was just getting back to sleep when Sarah rove the covers of me because she wanted me to get up. No lazy day? We all got ready and Angie came over because it was her birthday! She swore at me for leaving her a card about Primark (which she'd been fired from) On the night the whole family went out for a meal. Mick was going to go of it at Sarah cause she was going to try his steak. In our family we tend to order different stuff and then steal from who has the best. Nothing gets wasted. But Angie had got this steak and was borking. We all started laughing at her because it was off and her baby nose (she's pregnant and can smell really good) could smell it and had already eaten one. Anyway's me and Elisha walked home pretending to be idiots in high heals. Oh wait, we are idiots in high heals. Anytime I want to call someone I go out of the house because we have really thin walls and anything said will just go directly to my mother and however does catch me saying anything gets an award. So anyway I walk down random streets talking away on my phone. And I look behind me and see a flash of leopard print. So I start running whilst I keep looking behind me. Bearing in mind I'm on the phone! I hoped I looked like a special agent. Then I stop running and look behind me. I know I'm just a bit crazy but she does it all the time! So I'm headed on my way home still on the phone. And I see this man weirdly staring at me. I sat down on a nearby bench and waited and I saw her! She noticed me and came over and sat down beside me.
"I heard everything."- Elisha
"Shit."- Me
"hahaha gotcha."- Elisha
"Why have you got no shoes on!" I asked trying to change the subject. If she did know my secret she wasn't letting on.
"I only have high heals, I can't run in high heals." -Elisha
"Why was that guy staring?"- Me
"Cause I was hiding behind him and he asked if I was following you and I said yes." -Elisha
"Okay lets go home now." - Me

My sister came running in my room early o clock trying to wake me up I ignored her and fell back to sleep. She could bother me in her own house but this was my room. And my bed. I woke up two hours later and started packing. Then around a hour later Ang dropped my mam of at work. Then me, Ang and Mia had a McDonald's and then was on the road to Sunderland. I didn't even have time to unpack before I was ringing Kay for her to come out. We walked around a bit. We didn't call for anyone we just chilled.

Had the house to myself. I then called Kay and got the bus over hers. We decided to go and see some other mates because I haven't seen them in ages. So it took us half an hour or was it more to walk were they where. This pissed us of because we had to meet them. And I don't do mornings and if I get pissed of in the morning I make that person's life hell all day. And I know I was a cunt I'll admit that.

Results day. I got up late and had to rush around and everything. I had to practically run to school for some crappy scores I can resit next year. I got a B in English, a D in Math and a D in Science not that bad considering. My target in science is a D even though I'm in set one, I'm fucking thick. Then I had to walk the long way home. But at least my sister Sarah talked to me all the way for 40 minuets. I appreciate that. That's why your my big sister!  She's on her way to Cornwall to go Glamping. Yes, Glamping. Glamour camping. I couldn't believe it either. But from her recent texts I think she's doing fine. jk.

Sat on my arse and watched Netflix. Heroes is the best TV show ever!!! My favourite characters are Sylar, Elle and Peter Petrelli. OMFG!!!!!!!  I have just watched the whole of season 3. I can't believe that's why Angela steals socks for her sister who she thought was dead? Also I hope Mohinder is dead he gets on my nerves his power is exactly like Nicki's. Rebel is Micka. Rebel is Micka? Rebel is Micka! Honestly my face when I found this out I was like oooooooohhhhhh Tracey you've just lead your self as bait to your nephew! Sorry if you haven't seen Heroes. And that was just mumbling and meant nothing to you but I had to get it of my chest. I recommend you watch it. It changed my life. And by the way I'm starting season 4 tomorrow so no spoilers.

I dont know whether I like Sylar and Elle better or Peter and Elle. Because Elle has loved Sylar since she was an agent at the start but she made him a serial killer. But he did save her. And I think thats why I love Syelle better than Pelle. Pelle only lasted a day. But I do love Peter Petrelli. And I'd love to have anyone of their powers.

It took me ages to write all of this. I can't post pictures because there is a really bad storm. I'll do it tomorrow though.