Sunday 19 August 2012


Hey Guys,
My mam was at work and my sister was at work. So I had the house to myself (well, if you don't count the dog Rye) I was just listening to music. I had strict instructions not to leave the house. Anyway at half 5 Toria (short for Victoria) my cousin came round my house because she works on my street. We sat in the house for a bit. Then Toria got US a lift to my older sister Sarah's house. Didn't I have strict instructions?
 Well my mam said I could go because it was my other sister Angie's birthday party. We were the first ones there. Jess (my sisters dog) was going crazy because the balloons were moving with the wind. Then my other cousin Sammy (short for Samantha) came in next with her little boy Rhys. Rhys was shy at first. But then he saw Jess and he was all over her. Sarah made Rhys some dinner (or tea whatever YOU call it) because he was going to be picked up soon. Then all at once 4 taxi's pulled up but not one of them was my sister Angie.
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 Then Louise (Olivers mam) came in with my brother Robert and Oliver (my nephew) but because it was girls only. They came in just to say Hi. Then went back into the car. He didnt like the noise or the music whichever (I mean my nephew didn't like the noise because he's only 10 months old I DIDN'T MEAN MY BRO) Everyone was there. Except the birthday girl. 
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Finally at 9pm she got there when we had all been there at 6pm. Lets just say first I was the youngest one there. The second youngest was 19 (Toria and Shelby) Highlights of the night!
1. Before Rhys left he was playing tig with the dog but the dog wasnt moving just standing.
2. He also got a giant snog after of the dog
3. Me, Toria and Shelby went to the shops Toria was asked for ID.
4. When we were coming back there was a car chase and they both got out ready to fight but the wimp ran inside there house. 
5. Aisbitt (Because there both called Victoria) never were's knickers to a party
6. Toria kept asking Aisbitt why she didnt.
7. They were all dared to drink the highest percentage vodka 
8. Aisbitt's throat was burning when she did.
9.Jess was running under peoples legs with a little pig from something called 'Timmy Time'
10. I had to keep out all the pictures
11.Because my niece didnt know I was going because she wanted to go but she is just 10!
12 They were putting them on facebook so she would of seen
13.Jess bed is under the the bar counter and Sarah had feed her egg maynoise.
14. She kept farting.
15. Unluckily we were standing next to the cage I'll upload the picture you can see my head slightly. 
16. The balloons were in the living room but we were all in the kitchen
Left: Everyone who wasn't scared of camera I was taking it.Right: You can see my head the edge of the picture good job my niece didnt see that! 
Sarah my sister is an excellent cake maker!
Left:  Shelby      Angie (My sis)        Middle: Louise                 Right: Paula   Sarah (My sis)
We ended outside most of the time... 
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